Kinoverse is an app aimed to encourage a sense of exploration among Kinokuniya visitors by providing a personalised adventure connecting books from the diverse genre available in Kinokuniya.

Sep 2022 - Nov 2022
Service Designer, UI/UX Designer
Project Scope
Design Research & Ideation, Service Design, UI/UX Design, Video Editing

Kinokuniya is the largest Japanese bookstore in Southeast Asia. With its vision of creating opportunities for cross-cultural interactions and mission of satisfying customers.
Creating opportunities of contacts between cultures and civilisations and developing the growth of local cultures and talents with the aim of promoting better understanding amongst cultures.
To provide excellent services and pleasant ambience to satisfy and
delight all their customers. Together, they work in trust, harmony, and integrity so that all of them can be proud of being a member of Kinokuniya.
Problem Statement
Kinokuniya's misalignment of their values diverges their intended efforts to sustain in the future.
Root Cause
The rise in book trends have caused Kinokuniya’s vision of creating cross-cultural opportunities to stray and causes the lack of awareness for under appreciated books and authors.
Integrating a digital based support system to enhance the book discovery experience.